
Hey pretty girl in my English seminar who never talks and clearly never does the readings...will you plese slow down

Hey pretty girl in my English seminar who never talks and clearly never does the readings...will you plese slow down after leaving class! Seriously, I’ve been trying to talk to you for weeks. I won’t judge you on your brains...

To all the people making the Quad into a beach: put some clothes on! I’m eating my lunch.

gfukdsagfiuwegvfiusdgvbiusdgbvuisdtvguisdgvbujxbgvijhdagvuihxbvjcbdjvgjIDB DBNABDJAB CJKABJKJBASCBKAJBCKJACA.


Owl...please tell your naked inductees to go put clothes on. The fence ain’t that high.

Cute red head Irish boy in my section, I just wanted to let you know... I really dig thin boys!

Got a bone to pick? A friend to ridicule? A crush to notify? A need for a public forum?

Holla at FMholler@gmail.com. We’ll publish it all. Word.