Devon M. Barrett

House (dorm and assigned house): Greenough and Currier House. Concentration: Undecided. Hometown: Los Angeles. Ideal Date: Anything with Shumes. Best

House (dorm and assigned house): Greenough and Currier House.

Concentration: Undecided.

Hometown: Los Angeles.

Ideal Date: Anything with Shumes.

Best way for a guy/girl to get your attention: Confidence.

Where to find you on a Saturday night: The Basement.

Your best pick-up line: “Nice bum where you from, nice boobies where you going”—Kyle Richter.

Best or worst lie you’ve ever told: Every lie—I can’t keep a straight face.

Something you’ve always wanted to tell someone: Let me borrow that top.

Favorite childhood activity: Ballet.

Sexiest physical trait: Smile.

Best part about Harvard: Third Floor Greenough/Tobey Duble.

Worst part about Harvard: Class.

Describe yourself in three words: Gullible, friendly, independent.

In 15 minutes you are: Watching Jack Bauer.

In 15 years you are: Married to Jack Bauer.