House: Pfoho now, Mather...forever... Concentration: History and Science, certificate in Public Health Policy. Hometown: Martha’s Vineyard (yes, people live there

House: Pfoho now, Mather...forever...

Concentration: History and Science, certificate in Public Health Policy.

Hometown: Martha’s Vineyard (yes, people live there year-round).

Ideal Date: Throwin’ back some Kool-Aid after a riveting game of duck-duck-goose.

Best way for a guy/girl to get your attention: Touching my proto-type.

Where to find you on a Saturday night: Square dancing. Done and done.

Your best pick-up line: I’m a, seriously.

Best or worst lie you’ve ever told: The hungry hungry hippos are actually just hungry.

Something you’ve always wanted to tell someone: It’s not lactose intolerance, it’s lactose awareness.

Favorite childhood activity: Embarrassing my parents with varying degrees of public nudity.

Sexiest physical trait: Ninjas...urban ninjas.

Best part about Harvard: THE POWER.

Worst part about Harvard: Too much time to party, am I right?

Describe yourself in three words: Prestigious as fuck.

In 15 minutes you are: Scoped.

In 15 years you are: Fiddlesticks! I don’t have my schedule book on me at the moment...I’ll have to get back to you.