Harvard fencing got back to its roots on Sunday, after a Columbia fencer, fresh off a rousing victory, flipped off the Harvard squad. True to form, he then challenged Harvard’s most notorious saber fencer to a fist-fight outside. Needless to say, the Harvard hottie had to be restrained. Hey guys--can we buy your Clipse tickets?...A certain vertically-challenged Fox member felt the need to take out his self-loathing on innocent female party-goers at the Owl on Saturday as he accused everyone there of husband-hunting...Then again, who wouldn’t want to marry an Owl guy? It seems one potential hubby managed to spill his drink twice on the same girl, only to pass out in front of 7-11 later in the night...Advoflappers dressed up for their Depression-themed comp party (20s? 30s? Who cares if the costumes match the decade) on Saturday. The party featured a life-size Hooverville that led to many an unfortunate splinter and a speak-easy featuring a winning concoction of grape Kool-aid, vodka, and (some speculate) tranquilizers. Nothing says “Depression” like Xanax...A certain former “Scene” sex columnist and her sexxxy blockmates crashed a Story Street party on Friday, much to the chagrin of the hip set, who continued their off-beat dancing to Mariah Carey despite all odds...The Committee to Evaluate Social Space at Harvard and the Harvard Speech and Parliamentary Debate Society are holding timely (re: not Punch season) debate on participation in Finals Clubs today. Because we need to talk about Finals clubs more. Really, we do...Auditions for the most important cultural event of the year, “IDENTITIES: A Commentary on the Asian American Experience” were held this week. According to their Facebook group, wanna-be student models don’t have to be from “the golden ghetto”...The Women’s Leadership Network is hosting *m e d i u m*, a two part event featuring performance showcase and gallery showing of visual art. We’re not fooled--we know you’re all going into i-Banking.