Kyle A. Krahel

Kyle A. Krahel ’08 is of the best breed of politician. Whether it’s representing the student body on the Undergraduate

Kyle A. Krahel ’08 is of the best breed of politician. Whether it’s representing the student body on the Undergraduate Council, organizing feminist coffeehouses, or protesting with the Harvard Anti-War Coalition and the Student Labor Action Movement (SLAM), Krahel actually cares about what he does, and it shows.

“Kyle is someone who always knows what he stands for,” says Jonah L. Kanin ’08, Krahel’s roommate since freshman year. “And he’s willing to be involved in the Harvard community in ways that support the things he believes.”

And involved in Harvard he certainly is.

As UC secretary and a government concentrator, Krahel believes that politics are the way to effect change. (The Class of 1963 would probably like this one.)

“You get co-opted by the group and you start pushing for its interests over your ideals,” he says. “Taking part in the student government is important to me, no matter how out of touch it may be.”

And if you passed Krahel camped out in front of Matthews last spring, you know that he’s more than just another low-profile campus politician. As a member of SLAM, Krahel participated in the infamous hunger strike for Harvard security workers, proving that he’s more than just talk.

“Hunger strikes shouldn’t be necessary, but it was the last resort,” he says.

The oldest of six children—“We all have this really white-blonde hair,” he says. “We’re kind of Children of the Corn-y”—Krahel and his roommate moved from Adams House into the Dudley Co-op to recapture that large-family vibe. The quirky atmosphere, with vegan cooking, Communist kitsch decorations, and naked study breaks suit Krahel just fine.

“It’s like a really big family. It’s very back-home to me,” he says. “It’s nice to be around other crazy people.”

His friends appreciate his quirks and, most of all, his passion. “Kyle’s just amazing to hang out with and be around,” says Jenna M. Mellor ’08.

“He is someone who always wants to know how he can change the world for the better,” Kanin adds.

FM agrees, and is thinking of crashing the next naked study break.