
In true Harvard style, one mostly closeted Harvard sophomore has come out to the financial world making frequent appearances at

In true Harvard style, one mostly closeted Harvard sophomore has come out to the financial world making frequent appearances at BGLT recruiting events. If there was ever a warm and supportive audience to out oneself to…

In other memorable outing events, Harvard’s resident FB BJ lady is currently dating a middle-aged goth with a Michael Flatley-esque ’do. Guess that demographic in the College is even slimmer than the closeted opportunist i-banking hopeful…

Not slim enough: a slew of Harvard mamas turned away from Project East, after being explicitly told they were 2 fat 2 B hott. Weightism: the new racism for minorities…

Unnaturally hairy ears didn’t stop one Harvard admin from buying a 2-for-1 ticket to bonetown for him and his proctor lady-friend. Not invited? His wife. She tried to go, but they’re all booked up…

Harvard hopefuls have just a few more hours to go before they find out which illustrious clubs want them. Looking forward to seeing you in Chatter, d-bags!