Get Out!

1) ART You Glad You Came? The Institute of Contemporary Art has free admissions from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.

1) ART You Glad You Came?

The Institute of Contemporary Art has free admissions from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Thursday nights. Check out shows such as “Bourgeois in Boston” and “Momentum 8: Dave McKenzie,” and watch the sunset over the harbor.

100 Northern Ave, Boston.

2) Always wanted to go salsa dancing but too afraid to try? The Havana Club gives you lessons first, then lets you test your skills at the dance party right after.

8:30-9:30 p.m. Salsa 101 class; 9:30 p.m. Beginner/Intermediate Salsa class; 10:30 p.m.-2 a.m. Salsa Dance Party

21+, $12. The Havana Club, 288 Green Street, Central Square, Cambridge.

3) Now Grab Your Partner and Dosy-Do!

Every Thursday in October you can put on your cowboy boots and get in line for some dancin’. Sponsored by the Folk Arts Center of New England (inspiring impromptu line dances since 1975).

7:30-10:30 p.m. Concord Scout House, 74 Walden Street, Concord, Mass. Free (western outfit not required).


It’ll be just like “Animal House.” Except, it won’t be as fun or wild. But there will be togas! And that’s all one can ask for, really. Lowell is having a Toga Party; hopefully it’ll be more successful than Mather’s lackluster effort of three years past.

Friday, Nov. 2. Lowell House. $5.

5) Starlight, Starbright…

Make a wish on a star at The Gilliland Observatory on top of the Museum of Science’s garage roof, open for free viewings every Friday night. The perfect date for you and that cutie you’ve been eyeing in your science fiction class.

First come, first served. Friday evenings, 8:30-10 p.m., weather permitting.