The 'Spiritual Healer' Friends Network

The mysterious darkness, ominous voices and crystal ball are notably absent from New Age Astrology & Crystals, which since September

The mysterious darkness, ominous voices and crystal ball are notably absent from New Age Astrology & Crystals, which since September 1 has occupied a corner of A Taste of Culture on Mass Ave. Rather, the glass-furnished domain of resident psychic Sabrina (neither teenaged, nor a witch, nor willing to be interviewed or give her last name) more closely resembles a psychiatrist’s office.

“Hon, I am a spiritual healer,” Sabrina says.

Do not worry, Sabrina wastes no time with Mars-ravages-the-Twelfth-House gibberish. Within ten minutes of laying out the Tarot cards, she’s gone through love—“do not worry, you will meet your soul mate soon”—and personality—“do not worry, you are fiercely independent”—and career—“do not worry, you will make a lot of money.”

Tucked inside another shop, with her sign hanging on the wrong storefront and operating under limited hours—(the day starts at 2 in the afternoon, or occasionally, not at all)—Sabrina relies on paranormal forces to deliver clients. Drawing from a mixed crowd of students, the middle-aged, and the very elderly looking to check up on their life-line, Sabrina has found success in her mass-appeal and all encompassing answers (“do not worry, you will live a long life”).

But the paranormal forces aren’t all giving. One expected customer is absent: Carmen Heller, the owner of A Taste of Culture, will not ask for a reading, saying she already has a great life.

So, if you’re having paralyzing doubts about your concentration or panicking because that English degree is looking pretty useless, FM recommends a trip down Mass Ave. Just keep in mind that when you pay $35 for a tarot card reading or $50 for a look into a crystal ball, you aren’t paying for truth: do not worry, though. You’ll get the reassurance you’re looking for and, if all goes well, that sense of calm will last through midterms.