Coiffures 101

The Hockey Hair Don’t worry; we all know you’re an athlete. Your why-yes-I-did-just-pull-off-my-helmet hair leaves no room for doubt. You’re

The Hockey Hair

Don’t worry; we all know you’re an athlete. Your why-yes-I-did-just-pull-off-my-helmet hair leaves no room for doubt. You’re too busy for anything but pregaming and practice, and your style—and grades—show it. But while you might think you look like you just don’t care, we’ve all caught you checking yourself out in the Science Center mirrors.

The Angry Feminist

You’re smart and friendly—at least until someone mentions Larry Summers. Between FemSex and your WGS tutorial, you don’t have time for anything but a wash-and-wear. Sure, you’ve heard that longer hair is considered sexier, but who really cares? Men are pigs anyway.

The Side-bang

You fashionista, you. It can’t be easy rushing from the Delphic to the Fly and back again. And don’t worry, when you’re paying homage to the porcelain god at the end of the night, you can rest assured that your hair will still look hot. Says Adams House Resident Dean Sharon L. Howell: “Side bangs? They’re great. My daughter wears them. She’s two.”


Charming, chatty, and charismatic (or so you want to believe), you often have a slight brown stain on the end of your undoubtedly handsome nose. When you’re not hobnobbing at an IOP event, you can be found furiously detagging incriminating photos on Facebook. Leaving so soon? Oh, the Pudding calls.