Sick and tired of “Dick in a Box”? Bared your soul on desperate@... uh, “Bored@Lamont?” Don’t want to be that

Sick and tired of “Dick in a Box”? Bared your soul on desperate@... uh, “Bored@Lamont?” Don’t want to be that guy who’s always facebooking in the library? Try FM’s guide to eProcrastination!

1) Peekvid.com: Better than “YouTube” because they have tons of amazing TV shows. As an added perk, the French subtitles or “Asian Drama and Movies” category can always help you study for your language exam.

2) Postsecret.com: The original “Bored@Lamont.” If you’re a fan of oversized ironic coffee table books from Urban Outfitters, you may already be familiar with the literary version of this online confessional.

3) Engrish.com: The lengths to which Japanese people will go to pretend they know English is extraordinary.

4) Pandora.com: Input the bands and songs you like and Pandora will personalize your very own radio station. Ten percent of the time it works all the time.

5) Fafarazzi.com: The fantasy football of the pop-culture world: create a celebrity league and follow the gossip to win points.

6) Blackpeopleloveus.com: Do they? Really?

7) Overheardinnewyork.com: Get the real NY experience without having to deal with the crazy Fung Wah ladies.

8) Dwight Schrute’s Schrute Space (blog.nbc.com/DwightsBlog): Finally catching on that “The Office (US)” isn’t just a terrible version of “The Office (UK)?” Then check out Dwight’s blog, in which he complains about Jim and speculates on “Lost” theories.

9) SudokuCombat.com: Every Harvard nerd’s dream. Battle n00bs and prove all those hours of Sudoku were worth the wasted time.

10) Thelonelyisland.com: If you’re not yet aware, Andy Samberg is the new Jimmy Fallon and the mastermind behind “Dick in a Box” and “Lazy Sunday.” Watch him and his two friends, SNL writers Akiva and Jorma, in this fantastic sketch-comedy group.

11) Picturesofwalls.com: Pretty much how it sounds, but strangely alluring.

12) Sp-studio.de: Make your own South Park avatar. Sounds kind of lame, but there are so many options that it will occupy you for hours.

13) Maddox.xmission.com: Legendary egoist gives his warped opinion on almost everything.

14) Alllooksame.com: So you say you’re not a racist? Test your ability to tell Asians apart with this online quiz.

15) Porntotube.com. Pterodactyl porn: Really? You still haven’t seen it. Get on it, people.