Score! Feminism and Free Stuff

Chocolate-dipped macaroons. Fresh mozzarella. Coconut shrimp, for Christ’s sake! Yes, there was female empowerment. Yes, there was the satisfaction of

Chocolate-dipped macaroons. Fresh mozzarella. Coconut shrimp, for Christ’s sake! Yes, there was female empowerment. Yes, there was the satisfaction of finally realizing a long-awaited goal. But at the opening of the Harvard College Women’s Center last Thursday, it was the spread of gourmet eats and other plush amenities that had people really impressed.

Revelers were rewarded for their trip through a sweaty hall under Canaday B with the swank center itself, all cushy couches, tasteful lighting, and, perhaps most importantly, a hell of a lot of free shit.

FM collected a mug, three pins, and six mini-quesadillas in minutes, and promised to stop by later to take advantage of the DVD player and library.

The crowd was in high spirits, energized by 300th Anniversary University Professor and famous feminist Laurel T. Ulrich’s rallying remarks, in which she pulled no punches in describing the University as “a wonderful place with a terrible record.” Ulrich: 1. Harvard: 0.

Students are heartily encouraged to holla at the Harvard College Women’s Center Monday-Thursday, 9-5 and 6-10, 9-5 Friday, and weekends by arrangement. FM will be by the free coffee.