How Safety School Kids Drink

Yale kids are widely known for their lameness, but with the changes in this year’s Harvard-Yale alcohol policy, some of

Yale kids are widely known for their lameness, but with the changes in this year’s Harvard-Yale alcohol policy, some of us Cantabrigians might be sharing in that New Haven-wide curse.

FM, to gauge the reaction of our less-than-better halves, bravely picked up the phone to see how the Yalies are going to cope.

“I mean, it’s embarrassing,” says Yale senior Peter J. Pacelli. “I think it’s consistent with the attitude that Harvard is where fun goes to die.” Pacelli, a fraternity president, says that he might get liquored up at Yale, and then drive up in “some kind of party bus,” where FM is sure fun will be found, alive and kicking.

Matthew H. Smith, a Yale senior, is planning to eschew tradition. Yale will face off (and lose) to Princeton a week before The Game, and Smith wants to see Yale-Princeton become the next big thing. “People are trying to make the Princeton tailgate the big tailgate this year and not go up to Cambridge at all.” But Smith is no dummy—he’s going to head up to Harvard anyway. “Me and my friends will just drink a lot before we go.” Awesome.

For the most part, though, Yale students seem just as determined as their Harvard counterparts to elevate their BACs before watching I-AA college football. “All that will happen is that people will pregame more heavily and then possibly try to sneak alcohol in to the stadium,” says Kevin E. Brown, a Yale freshman. “I just cant see this helping in any way.”

But in spite of their bitching and moaning, some Yale students remain optimistic. “Yale kids are going to have fun no matter what,” says Smith. After all, they have plenty of experience making the best of a crappy situation.