Two words: Red Party. Although the party got off to a late start (it was mostly Seneca members until almost 11:30), the Roxy dance floor lit up after midnight. When else do over 1,000 Harvard students put down their problem sets and head out to Boston on a weeknight?
Blame the MCATs for Friday night’s lack of festivities. At BGLTSA’s Varsity, the police were stationed outside 45 Mt. Auburn, just in case any of DJ Shiftee’s wild Britney remixes got a little out of hand. The party seemed to be dry, but that didn’t stop the dirty dancing or some pretty serious PDA. FM has got to learn to be less alco-normative. Though some waited up to half an hour to get into the Spee’s Eurotrash party, most asserted that the wait was totally worth it. With glowsticks in hand and glowing ice cubes in their drinks, guests did their best Gunther impression until well past 5 AM.
Harvard students attempted to look somewhat state-school-esque, with parties from Mather to the Quad. Hey, we’ve got to impress the pre-frosh, right? Leverett’s biannual 80s dance was the same as it ever was (Talking Heads, anyone?), but still totally radical. The Eliot Cockpit served up a Kool-Aid punch out of one of those ubiquitous dining hall urns that prompted one prefrosh to ask “Do you guys have any more coffee in there?” Wellesley girls infiltrated the AD’s Wall Street party, but FM is okay with that, since that might be the closest they get to a career in business. BTDubs, FM has been told that “getting your jollies” involves either dancing or sexual intercourse. Seriously, guys, that’s disgusting.