Party Reporter

FRIDAY A birthday party was held in Quincy for Jon Q. Macmillan ’08, not to be confused with Quincy Resident


A birthday party was held in Quincy for Jon Q. Macmillan ’08, not to be confused with Quincy Resident Tutor John C. McMillian. At WHRB headquarters in the basement of Pennypacker, the indie crowd mourned the loss of Reese & Ryan’s golden marriage with plenty of slam-dancing and skanking...or whatever that kind of awkward “dancing” that usually happens when one is drunk and listening to the Clash is called. FM suspects the lack of parties on Friday night was because everyone was out watching the Borat movie and not studying for midterms. High five!


In light of events at Rebirth: the Christening of the New Currier TLR, FM feels the need to make the following announcement: if you are a freshman boy and you miraculously found your way to the Quad, congratulations! However, that does not give you the right to come up behind upperclasswomen and start grinding with the line, “It’s okay. We’re all drunk.” Just wanted to put that out there. Despite these flagrant party-fouls, Rebirth was still a good time and reminded FM of birth itself: moist, intense, and accompanied by a slap on the ass.

Quisque Jam offered those who left Rebirth looking for something less sweaty with little relief, but the dancing was... how you say, muy caliente. The Chorus Line cast party in De Wolfe included a sweaty grinding line that brought FM back to our bar-mitzvah days. The Fox’s Margarita Party was fairly crowded, but offered delish drinks to those who arrived early. The best party of the night was outside Eliot at 3:15 a.m., where FM got to see exactly who was hooking up with whom and got yelled at by a totes-bellig fireman. Score!