Zen Wednesdays, Under Canaday

Harvard kids have many ways to unwind: parties, club social, study breaks, sex—oh wait—and, now, meditation. Since November 15, Harvard

Harvard kids have many ways to unwind: parties, club social, study breaks, sex—oh wait—and, now, meditation.

Since November 15, Harvard College Women’s Center has been holding hour-long meditation sessions every Wednesday until winter break, according to Susan Y. Yao ’09, who initiated the program.

“Meditation is a de-stresser for a lot of people,” Yao says. “It is all about becoming aware of the world around you by stopping for a moment in the frantic rush of life, and reflecting on everything and allowing yourself to have a clear mind.”

Yao has invited Kathy Park, director of the Cambridge Zen Center, to lead the nondenominational workshop, which is open to the entire Harvard community. Park also leads the Buddhist group every Tuesday at the Women’s Center in the basement of Canaday B, which, unlike the meditation workshop, focuses on specific practices from the Buddhist religion.

The forms of meditation Park teaches are based on student interest. According to Yao, she leads breathing exercises, walking meditation, as well as discussions about health, women’s issues, and stress.

Iris Odstrcil ’10 says she enjoyed the class but didn’t expect to see instant results.

“It’s not magic healing,” she said.

The meditation group has only had one session so far, and depending on future attendance, the workshop may continue until the end of the school year, as students prepare for final exams.

“Om” to that.