Party Reporter

Thursday FM caught one Fly member with his Fly down, peeing into the Lowell Courtyard. Apparently, all the money and


FM caught one Fly member with his Fly down, peeing into the Lowell Courtyard. Apparently, all the money and connections in the world can’t buy you indoor plumbing.


You know how all the good classes are only offered spring semester, so you take classes anyway this fall but know you’re going to be overloaded next semester? That’s kind of how Friday night was, thanks to the LSATs. For those Harvard students interested in re-enacting their favorite cinematic reacharounds from Ghost, there was Clay All Night at the Ceramics Studio in Allston. It was about as fun as it sounds.


After the magazine’s editors kicked FM out of its own birthday party, most headed to the Quad while digesting delicious clown cake, maybe pondering on their way whether FM’s writing about itself qualifies as conflict-of-interest. Outside the LSluts Party in Pfoho (A+ for cleverness), one freshman girl innocently inquired “Where is Belltower? Is that a dorm?” Hasty Pudding Theatricals celebrated the birthdays of Josh M. Brener ’07 and Ben K. Kawaller ’07 in style in the Gilbert Living Room, complete with two Beirut tables, one ice luge, and zero boys in drag. The AD’s cowboy party contained surprisingly few freshman girls in cowboy hats and miniskirts (insert overdone Brokeback Mountain reference here.) In celebration of the FDA’s approval of Plan B over-the-counter, the Currier TLR hosted the Morning After Party. Unfortunately, this legislation has yet to take effect and the bathroom box was out of condoms. Plan C, anyone?