
A certain overachiever took comedian Tim Young to an afterparty at the Foxy Club For Gentleman (not a strip club).

A certain overachiever took comedian Tim Young to an afterparty at the Foxy Club For Gentleman (not a strip club).

Gluttony abounds in the Quad: a Cabot junior purloined an entire tray of cupcakes from the “Make-Your-Own Cupcake” brainbreak. The House’s Open List erupted, as per usual.

The Fly took a gang of punches to the last sushi house in the Boston area that will take the rowdy crew. Just one fellatio joke later, the elderly diners next to the bunch demanded to be moved. Some people have no sense of humor.

Sushi is en vogue, it seems—a group of Spee members and punches arrived at the ever-chic Shilla on the same night. Tasteless limericks ensued.

Don’t you hate Harvard? If your answer is no, read on. A girl in a sophomore tutorial (consisting of only six people, mind you—SIX!) so desperately needed to know what everyone else got on the first paper that she suggested everyone e-mail their grades to an impartial third party, who would then relay the grade distribution to the group.

English Prof. Gordon Teskey was spotted walking arm-in-arm with a lady.

A punch on a punch trip, in a drunken stupor, had his foot run over by a taxi in NYC on Friday night. He yelled for a minute and fell on the sidewalk, but survived—at least until the third event.

A young lady in Ec 1010a fainted during the midterm. We extend our sympathies.

Dean Gross’s son is pledging Alpha Epsilon Pi. Hope he survives initiation!