who is bok?

This week, FM surveyed 100 students to see how many could pick out Interim University President Derek C. Bok from

This week, FM surveyed 100 students to see how many could pick out Interim University President Derek C. Bok from a line-up of three other Harvard professors. After a lot of puzzled looks and embarrassed laughs, here are the results:

19% of those surveyed mistook Harvard Medical School Professor of Medicine Martin Hirsch for Bok.

9% of those surveyed mistook Buttenwieser University Professor Stanley H. Hoffman for Bok.

32% of those surveyed mistook Pellegrino University professor emeritus Edward O. Wilson for Bok.

And 40% of those surveyed got the man himself.

Says one first-year male student, “I don’t mean to sound racist, but they’re all old white men....They all look the same to me; I can’t tell them apart!”