Romantic, or Lonely and Pathetic?

Harvard students and sleazy, mustachioed 30-somethings alike will now have the opportunity to chase attractive strangers on the new missed

Harvard students and sleazy, mustachioed 30-somethings alike will now have the opportunity to chase attractive strangers on the new missed connections Web site,

Kizmeet allows users to create posts (usually to the tune of, “you were drinking chai latte, and I wanted to bone you”) chronicling the flying of sparks in an array of public places around Boston including Starbucks restaurants and even Fenway Park. The site, which is broken into subsections by city, has dedicated boards for several Harvard Square locations, including Peet’s Coffee, Tealuxe, Redline, and even Harvard’s campus.

Co-founder Mark Jaffe says that the site offers a fresh take on missed connections on the internet, citing its ease of use, location-specific approach, and playful design as advantages over popular community catch-all Craigslist and other competitors.

“Craigslist is great, but they’re a massive bulletin board site trying to do so many different things,” says Jaffe. “I’ve sold my couches on there before.”

Though the Kizmeet community is still in its infant stages, the site has already started to attract attention from students and the general Cambridge public; new Harvard-related postings have been popping up every day or two since the site went live in the middle of September.

In the words of an enthusiastic M4W Toscanini’s customer: “You’ve got the Harvard girl thing down to a T—the tight jeans, the boots, the long hair, the flushed cheeks. I hope you’re not too much younger than me....”