What I Did This Summer. By: Criminals.

From investigating bad smells to apprehending weapon wielding police impersonators, HUPD had its ever-capable hands full this summer. Here are

From investigating bad smells to apprehending weapon wielding police impersonators, HUPD had its ever-capable hands full this summer. Here are some of the highlights:

1. June 29: 2:04 p.m.—An officer was sent to investigate the theft of eleven EXIT signs, valued at $52.00.

2. July 16: 1:37 a.m.—Officers investigated a report of a person kicking a shopping cart in Vanderbilt Hall. The officers determined that the person was affiliated with the University and asked him to remove the cart when he was done.

3. June 24: 9:56 p.m.—An officer was dispatched to Mill Street because of an alleged “simple” assault that had just occurred in front of Quincy Gate. The victim alleges that he or she was touched in the area of the chin, following a dispute concerning parking. A report was filed.

4. July 16: 2:23 p.m.—HUPD officers were dispatched to the New Research Building to close an open motor-vehicle trunk.

5. August 3: 8:15 a.m.—Officer dispatched to a report of a microwave causing smoke and bad smell in the Landmark Center. Officer reported that someone put metal into the microwave on the 3rd floor, which caused the smoke and odor.

6. June 29: 11:59 a.m.—Police responded to a report that a person was wielding a gun outside Annenberg Hall. Officers ascertained that the people were filming a movie. The people were advised on the use of fake weapons on Harvard property.

7. July 12: 5:34 p.m.—HUPD officers responded to a report of people impersonating law enforcement officers and wielding weapons. The individuals in question were shooting a movie and had permission.

8. June 24: 7:25 p.m.—Police noted a person “sleeping on the grass” by the side of 111 Western Avenue in Allston. The grass-sleeper was sent on his way with a no-trespass warning for Harvard University property.

9. July 11: 5:06 p.m.—Officers responded to a report of a naked person in the park. When the officers arrived they found no aspiring nudists.

10. July 17: 8:35 a.m.—Officers were dispatched to investigate reports of a person sleeping in the Weld Hall laundry room. The officers roused the person from his sleep and asked him to sleep in his own room in the future.