
House: Kirkland Concentration: History Hometown: Greenwich, CT Ideal Date: clothing optional Best way for a guy or girl to get

House: Kirkland

Concentration: History

Hometown: Greenwich, CT

Ideal Date: clothing optional

Best way for a guy or girl to get your attention: Don’t know, I don’t exactly

have a large attention span. I guess the answer is “availability.”

Where to find you on a Saturday night: Honest answer? Probably finding new and creative ways to make an ass of myself.

First thing you notice about a girl: Whether or not she’s having fun.

Your best pick-up line: I think the less I say is probably the better.

Best or worst lie you’ve ever told: I never lie.

Something you’ve always wanted to tell someone: Around here? “Stop taking yourself so seriously.”

Favorite childhood toy: I really liked toy guns and Nintendo.

Favorite part about Harvard: Evan Calvert and Tom Mikula.

Describe yourself in three words: Slippery when wet.

In 15 minutes you are: Trying to get some semblance of organization in my life.

In 15 years you are: On a permanent vacation.