Concentration: Social Studies
Hometown: New Delhi, India
Ideal Date: sketchy flamenco bar.. (and only if I knew the person I was with—I’m not into the random dating thing)
Best way for a guy or girl to get your attention: exude confidence and liberalism
Where to find you on a Saturday night: pit concerts now that the weather is tolerable... or in my pseudo-room next door smoking hookah
First thing you notice about a girl: political orientation and taste in music
Your best pick-up line: if you were a McDonald’s burger you’d be called McGorgeous
Best or worst lie you’ve ever told: re-read the previous sentence
Something you’ve always wanted to tell someone: The OC is not cool!
Favorite childhood toy: can’t remember...maybe I had a bad childhood.
Favorite part about Harvard: access to resources
Describe yourself in three words: liberal, carefree musician
In 15 minutes you are: reading political philosophy
In 15 years you are: mooching off my (then rich) brother