recent history of the BMF

1994: The Black Men’s Forum has its charter renewed by Derrick N. Ashong ’97-’98 and fellow classmates after a long

1994: The Black Men’s Forum has its charter renewed by Derrick N. Ashong ’97-’98 and fellow classmates after a long period of dormancy. First Celebration of Black Women occurs.

1996: With the introduction of house randomization, the strong black presence in the Quad dissipates, leading students to turn to groups like the BMF.

1998-1999: The BMF acquires an official shield and motto.

2000: The BMF experiences internal strife as the executive board is re-elected four times. Three board members are forced to resign.

2001-2002: Jason Young ’03 transforms the Celebration by acquiring corporate sponsorships.

2004: BMF takes a political turn with Vote or Die, curricular review response, and Darfur divestment campaign.

2005: Seven-hour community service requirement established for all members. First AIDS Summit happens.