Looking for Sex on Craigslist

Don’t fret, sexually frustrated Harvardians: an alternative to this Ivory Tower’s dating scene is just a click away. Craigslist.org lists

Don’t fret, sexually frustrated Harvardians: an alternative to this Ivory Tower’s dating scene is just a click away.

Craigslist.org lists postings for used futons, Dior bags, refrigerators... and potential no-strings-attached hookups. Right here in the Square! With over 90 grammatically incorrect postings this week, Harvard affiliates have already jumped onto this bandwagon.

Some of the highlights:

Harvard Professor battling idiot savants

I’m in my early 30s and am on the faculty at Harvard. Woopie…I’m the guy that your parents will adore, but who will also show you a rollicking good time in the south of France (which you needn’t tell them about)…We will not get along if you have anti-American leanings (which does not mean that you have to support Dubya’s Administration). Nor will we get along if you have postmodernist sympathies. Please don’t be hurting for cash; that interferes with the plan to frolic in Provence.

Sexy Harvard guy looking to get out some stress this week.

You can be a townie or you can be from another school, as long as you’ve got what it takes, you’re clean and you can give me what I want...who knows, I might even hook you up with a job someday. You won’t regret it.

Be hot, Be older, Be adventurous

I’m looking for a man, mid-30s or older, who likes sexually avaricious younger women...I’m a Harvard grad student and want a man who could challenge me intellectually...I am areligious, I smoke upon occasion, and I watched too much porn as a young girl.

Library Fun

Anyone care for some quick fun in a library? I’m just a normal, decent-looking grad guy who’s good to go on this fine, frigid day. Let’s meet up in a Harvard library (you must have access) for a brief but exciting encounter.