Their Objects

At Saturday’s dinner, seniors each presented a significant object. Wei-Jen Yuan: Name-tag saying “Wei-Jen, Like Asian with a W.” Jennifer

At Saturday’s dinner, seniors each presented a significant object.

Wei-Jen Yuan: Name-tag saying “Wei-Jen, Like Asian with a W.”

Jennifer N. Wynn: Elementary modern Chinese coursepack.

Aoife E. Spillane-Hinks: A bike helmet: “I’m a nuts and bolts kind of person.”

Ian W. Nichols: A yellow wiffle ball bat.

Francisco Perez: A small gold ring from his father: “What you had originally,” he said, “is most golden.”

Aisha I. Muharrar: A fictional cocktail stirrer from a fake encounter.

Michael C. Mitnick: The Mickey Mouse Magic Book: “We both like magic, we have the same initials,” he said.

Steve Y. Lee: A six-inch wrench.

Dustin S. Hodges: Empty beef jerky bag: “the faux wood pattern was a nice cubist move.”

Huma Farid: A blanket her grandmother made on a loom.

Peter H. Brooks: A camo “cover” cap.

Stacey R. Borden: Her beloved grandfather’s shirt.

Erica S. Birmingham: A very large bottle of Pierre-Jouet. She shared.

Ayodola A. Adigun: A piece of computer paper with an image of a pair of dice.

Margaret C.D. Barusch: “Um...I brought my freshman roommate!” said Barusch, putting an arm around Adigun.