AMAZING!: The Quad

Holy shit, did you know there are more dorms at Harvard? Like, outside the River? Neither did we. Here are

Holy shit, did you know there are more dorms at Harvard? Like, outside the River? Neither did we. Here are some ways to get there and things to do once you’re done walking:

1. Walk to Currier and eat in the dining hall.

2. Walk to Pforzheimer and visit the Bell Tower. If you’re lucky, you just might get cranberry juice spilled on your favorite pants!

3. Walk to Hilles and take out a book. From your backpack. Then read it.

4. Walk to Quad Bikes and rent a bike. Why would you need a bike if everything you need is right near your dorm? We’re not sure, but, hey, not everything has to have a use, okay? Spoiled brat.

5. Walk to the Currier 10 Man. Don’t worry about the walk back. They’ll definitely let you stay the night.