House: Quincy Concentration: Cognitive Neuroscience Hometown: Myrtle Beach, S.C. & East Brunswick, N.J. Ideal Date: Something creative (i.e. not the
By FM Staff
Nov 30, 2005
House: Quincy
Concentration: Cognitive Neuroscience
Hometown: Myrtle Beach, S.C. & East Brunswick, N.J.
Ideal Date: Something creative (i.e. not the typical dinner/movie date)
Best way for a guy/girl to get your attention: Engaging me in conversation
Where to find you on a Saturday night: Either clubbing or lounging around
First thing you notice about a guy/girl: His face
Your best pick-up line: “Do you have change for a ten?”
Best or worst lie you’ve ever told: “I can totally handle this.”
Something you’ve always wanted to tell someone: Stop being fake.
Favorite childhood toy: Kitty—my first teddy bear
Sexiest physical trait: My lips
Fave part about Harvard: The diversity of people
Describe yourself in three words: Easygoing, quirky, & mischevious
In 15 minutes you are: About to dip into a midnight bubble bath
In 15 years you are: I don’t know. That’s the fun of it =)