Harvard is a pricey place, and for every bit of cash you spend you might have to pay up at the ATM. With fees as high as $2—enough to buy half a Toscanini vanilla latte—watch where you withdraw if you don’t have an account at the hosting bank. That is, unless you want to donate to the banks in holiday spirit.
1374 MASS. AVE. $1
Cambridge Savings Bank showcases the cheapest ATMs in the Square. You can give your fresh twenties to the Spare Change guy right outside the doors.
16 DUNSTER ST. $1.25
Anyone can withdraw cash from the ATMs inside the offices of the Harvard University Employees’ Credit Union. With that fee you could buy almost a third of a chicken quesadilla with guacamole at Felipe’s.
1420 MASS. AVE. $1.50
When you need cash for emergency mixers late at night, go to this machine. Though you won’t be able to enter the enclosed area if you’re not a Sovereign Bank member after business hours, you can always get to the outdoor ATM, one of the few unprotected machines in the Square—and also the best playing field for would-be muggers and thieves. You know who you are.
Even a Bank of America employee was surprised at how high this fee is. But the money buys convenience; there are also glass-enclosed ATMs at 1414 Mass. Ave. and 28 Eliot St. Just like the Houses, you’ll have to swipe into this ATM center at night—after 7 p.m. on most days.