Likely UC Contenders

LAUREN P.S. EPSTEIN ’07: Epstein joined the UC as a sophomore and became chair of CLC after only one semester.


Epstein joined the UC as a sophomore and became chair of CLC after only one semester. Epstein is credited with bringing legitimacy to the CLC by holding regular, serious meetings to plan social events, but unfortunately some of the major events were not successful. Epstein lost her re-election bid to her former vice-chair, John F. Voith III ’07, last week.


Gadgil joined the UC as a member of SAC when she was a sophomore. During the last year, she drafted a position paper critiquing Harvard’s Curricular Review and advocated for a women’s center. Gadgil stayed on as a UC rep last summer, and won the SAC chair spot last week after campaigning over vice-chair John Haddock. She is the first SAC chair to get elected with only two semesters of UC experience in at least five years.


Haddock joined the UC and SAC as a sophomore, becoming SAC vice-chair last semester and working on projects such as 24-hour libraries and reform of the blocking groups and inter-house transfer systems. Vice-chair last semester, Haddock was a favorite for the the chair position this year, but he was defeated by Gadgil. Haddock is now one of three vice-chairs of SAC.


Voith is the only junior on the UC who has been on the Council since his freshman year. CLC vice chair last semester, Voith beat out incumbent Epstein last week for the top spot in CLC. Voith worked under Epstein on many of the high-risk, unsuccessful CLC events last semester.


Wilson served as campaign manager for last year’s insider/outsider ticket led by Tracy “Ty” Moore ‘06. Wilson placed first in the Adams House race as a write-in candidate this semester, and says he hopes to institute reforms from the inside as a member of FiCom.