Love It Or Hate It: Brian Palmer

Love it “What I really like about him is that he’s different from any other Harvard professor I’ve had in

Love it

“What I really like about him is that he’s different from any other Harvard professor I’ve had in that he’s liberal and he’s not afraid to hide that. When he’s presented with difficult questions by students or by people within the University administration, he’s never backed down or changed his views. I also think he’s adorable.”

-Kanoe M. Lum ’04, Psychology Concentrator

Hate it

“I think he takes himself a little bit too seriously and he thinks the students who take his class are buying into his idealism and his concept of a perfect world, when most people are taking it because it’s a gut. I also think he’s one-sided in his opinions in the way he looks at the world. And you can see that in his response to Kavulla [Editorial Column, “Brian Palmer’s Academy,” Feb. 24]. He ignores the big elephant in the room that there is no dialogue between liberal and conservative views. He never really talks about the legitimate concerns of conservative viewpoints.”

-Teddy E. Chestnut ’06, Government Concentrator