Love It or Hate It: Popcorn Chicken

Love It “Well, the bite-sized pieces are perfect because they are fun and easy to eat, and you never feel

Love It

“Well, the bite-sized pieces are perfect because they are fun and easy to eat, and you never feel like you’re eating too much. Also they are good because they are crunchy and taste like fast food. They remind me of like chicken tenders or Roy Rogers fried chicken. Also, they are always served with fries.”

-Rebecca A. Wald ’07

Hate It

“First of all, I’d say calling it ‘chicken’ is very generous. It’s not chicken. It’s bits of white fat cooked in more fat and covered in bread crumbs to hide the lack of meat. That’s why you will not see me eat a Chickwich, and

that’s why you will not see me eat popcorn chicken.”

-Sara A. Slavin ’07