iTunes Dialogue

Harvard’s got a new way to stalk. When they’re not obsessively scrolling through or enjoying that age-old pastime of

Harvard’s got a new way to stalk.

When they’re not obsessively scrolling through or enjoying that age-old pastime of checking away messages, Harvard students can now spy on each other’s playlists via Apple’s iTunes. FM decided to test iTunes’ accuracy in providing snap character judgments.


Kate G. Ward ’05, Leverett Towers G-58 and Matthew C. Boch ’06, Leverett Towers F-20

Matt on Kate:

Initial Reaction: I know most of this stuff.

General synopsis: Certainly this person does not prize organizing her iTunes. A lot of these songs are mislabeled—“Red, Red Wine” is not a Bob Marley song! But besides that, she’s got a lot of random cool stuff. The Chipmunks’ Christmas song and the rap song from “Revenge of the Nerds” that she has are pretty awesome. She’s also got a bunch of random mixes from some guy named Ben which are pretty solid.  Basically, she’s got a lot of music that you could throw a killer late-90s dance party with.

Hometown: The Midwest, but someplace suburban. Maybe like the greater Chicago area.

Concentration: Psychology or pre-med, she seems like a semi-serious person, but also knows how to have fun.

Favorite band/artist: Leonard Cohen or Norah Jones.  She’s got a lot of that stuff on her computer.

Where would she be on Friday night?: She seems like the kind of person who would be close with her roommates. Probably partying in her room with them before going out.  Not really a bar person, though.

Movie of choice: “Revenge of the Nerds!”

Favorite Harvard Square eatery: The Wrap, that’s pretty nondescript.  Or even better, Pinocchio’s.

What does she drive?: It’s either a Honda Civic or a Jaguar.  Maybe a sedan of some sort.  Or maybe a Jaguar sedan.

Athlete?: I have insufficient data for that.  I’d say it could be either way.

What’s she listening to at 4 in the afternoon?: Norah Jones.

Any last words?: We share a lot of the same mainstream music tastes, but I feel like there’s also a lot of independent music out there that would appeal to her.  Also, she should chill with Ben more.  He’s got good taste.

Kate on Kate:

Hometown: Albany, NY

Concentration: Psychology

Favorite band/artist: Leonard Cohen

Last mp3 download: Kid Rock's “Yodelin’ In the Valley”

Last concert attended: I totally don’t go to enough. I saw Guster and Medeski, Martin and Wood over the summer. I forget where, though. Oh, and I also saw The Stars Essex Green at TT’s and the Bear’s semi-recently. That must have been during the school year sometime.

Where can we find you on Friday night?: I’m usually out with my blockmates, rarely at parties.

Movie of choice: “Office Space”

Favorite Harvard Square eatery: Café of India. Definitely.

What’s your ride?: ’92 Dodge Intrepid

Describe your musical taste: Everybody says eclectic. I would just characterize it as ‘not serious.’

Athlete?: No way.  I’m definitely not a sports person.

What’s playing at four in the afternoon?: Probably some random goofy stuff, like old Disney songs. It’s good for cleaning my room to.

Kate on Matt:

Initial Reaction: This guy has an absurd amount of music on his computer.  It looks like he just ripped all of his albums, which I guess is good for the people he’s sharing with.  He’s even got some stuff ripped twice.

General synopsis: It’s important to him to have a lot of music that most people don’t know, making the Beyoncé and Missy Elliot stuff that he has seem like ironic choices for his playlist. It also seems that in a lot of these songs the music is more important than the lyrics or the singing. I haven’t heard of many of these bands, but I like a lot of his indie rock stuff—this group Experimental Dental School is pretty good. He’d probably be a hard person to talk to about music, because he seems to take it real seriously.

Hometown: He’s got to be from some big city. He’s just got so much random music that I don’t think he’d have been exposed to it anywhere else. A place like New York, or something like that.

Concentration: Probably English or Folk and Myth.  He might even be a language concentrator of some sort, but I don’t see any particularly ethnic or foreign music on here. Then again, with a hard drive this size, he could just be a computer science guy.

Favorite band/artist: He definitely listens to a ton of obscure bands, but I still think his favorite is something classic, like an inspiration for his musical taste. He’s got a lot of Beatles stuff on here, so I’m gonna go with that.

Last mp3 download: It doesn’t look like he downloads a lot of music, but I would say a new single from some indie rock band, probably from their website.

Where would he be on Friday night?: Either out seeing some live music or in playing video games with his roommates.

Movie of choice: He’s into a lot of independent music, but I don’t think he’s a fan of indie films. It’s something mainstream but cool, like The Matrix or Memento. I bet he watches a lot of cartoons too.

Favorite Harvard Square eatery: None. He eats a lot of sugary cereal that little kids love. Something like Lucky Charms.

What does he drive?: If he had a choice, it would be a hybrid car.

Athlete?: No way. This guy is way too interested in music to be spending time playing sports.

Any last words?: Well, you have to admire his commitment.

Matt on Matt:

Hometown: Providence, RI

Concentration: VES

Favorite band/artist: Talking Heads. I guess you could say the Beatles too.

Last mp3 download: LCD Soundsystem – Yeah (Stupid Version). I really just rip most of my songs. I had about 550 CDs stolen last year, so everything on my iTunes is basically what I can’t afford to buy or don’t have on vinyl.

Last concert attended: El Guapo and Measles, Mumps and Rubella, tonight, at the Advocate.

Where can we find you on Friday night?: Usually going to dance parties. Or else playing a show with my band.

Movie of choice: David Byrne’s “True Stories.”

Favorite Harvard Square eatery: Whatever place is the future location of Anna’s Taqueria.

What’s your ride?: I don’t have a car. But if I had my choice I guess I’d put the engine of a Toyota Prius in an El Camino.

Describe your musical taste: I like good music, regardless of genre.  My present fascination is with pop music and abrasive noise rock.

Athlete?: I can sing and play a two-hour set of rock music while dancing.  That’s about the extent of my athletic ability.

What’s playing at four in the afternoon?: Indian Flute – Timbaland and Magoo.