Digging for Gold (Shoes, That Is)

Filene’s Basement is a bargain shopper’s paradise, but navigating the endless racks of merchandise can be confusing. However, with the

Filene’s Basement is a bargain shopper’s paradise, but navigating the endless racks of merchandise can be confusing. However, with the help of a few savvy shopping tips, this two-level treasure chest of discount duds can become heaven on earth. Patricia Boudrot, who works in public relations for Filene’s, offers her expert advice on snagging the best deals.

Check the newspaper. Filene’s always advertises their new shipments. None of this merchandise is going on special sale soon, but “when it’s gone, it’s gone,” says Boudrot. “It’s not as though there is plenty more in a back room.” Shopping the day that the ad appears will allow you to browse through the greatest selection. There are also generally new arrivals every day.

Markdowns are your friends. “Always look for P.O.S. (point of sale) markdowns,” said Boudrot. Sometimes there will be a special sale where merchandise will be marked down to as low as 75% for one day only. If you want an item that is marked P.O.S., buy it. One-day sale items get snatched up fast.

At Filene’s, size doesn’t always matter. Look through all sizes listed because, as Boudrot can attest, “the merchandise gets mixed up the longer the day goes on and you might find something great in your size that was hung up with the wrong sizes.”

Leave the La Perla at home. Without individual stalls, the communal changing room is a feeding frenzy of women disrobing in the open, so modest underwear may be a better choice. Stake out a corner and don’t worry: everyone is too focused on their own perceived flaws to notice you.

Find the Holy Grail of chic. For those of you who love your couture, there is always “The Vault.” The merchandise is up-to-the-minute, with everyone from Alaia to Zegna represented. The price points here tend to be much higher (in the $200-500 range), but are still a huge saving over the regular cost. “Not in everyone’s budget, but a deal nonetheless,” said Boudrot.

Think fast. The best piece of advice Boudrot can offer is: “If you like something, buy it. It probably won’t be there the next day.”