15 Things FM's Taught Us

1. The world’s largest crossword is in Weld; it’s the property of Grace Tiao ’08. (“15 Down,” 11/4/04) 2. George

1. The world’s largest crossword is in Weld; it’s the property of Grace Tiao ’08. (“15 Down,” 11/4/04)

2. George W. Bush was infamous for chewing tobacco while a student at Harvard Business School. (“Big Man on Campus,” 10/21/04)

3. Not all first-years are obsessed with their grades and drinking. Some are obsessed with penguins. (“Penguins, Power, Mysterious Plans: The Intense World of Tim Hwang,” 10/28/04)

4. BSA President Lawrence E. Adjah ’06 is a part-time barber. (“After the Storm,” 10/14/04)

5. Physics professor Roy J. Glauber takes hits of helium during class. (“Slow Motion for Me: Golden lecture moments caught on film and posted for all the Web to See,” 10/12/04)

6. Radio Shack employees flock to Harvard Square to hit you up for commission come the beginning of the school year. (“A Mission for Commission,” 9/30/04)

7. The dude across your fire door can actually hear you cutting your nails. (“Fire Door Dialogue,” 4/15/04)

8. Fur-trimmed hoods. So hot this season. And thank God, it’s cold out. (“Style,” 12/2/04)

9. Alewife is a variety of river herring that swims up the Charles each spring to spawn. (“Welcome to the Jungle,” 2/26/2004)

10. Former IOP fellow Jesse Ventura thinks he could take Ah-nold in a fight. (“The Body Talks,” 3/11/2004)

11. Notorious party school Northeastern University has a club that promotes non-alcoholic social events—and we don’t. (“Hammered,” 4/22/2004)

12. “The only thing that R. Kelly is guilty of is being one of the greatest artists in music history. He is an inspiration, a role-model, a friend and a spiritual guide.” (“The Gospel According to R,” 2/19/04)

13. The Kong keeps the recipe for its famed Scorpion Bowl a heavily guarded secret; however, manager David Hayes will divulge that it is a mixture of nine different types of alchohol, one of which is rum. (“Square Recipes Revealed,” 3/4/04)

14. MIT scientist Michael Hawley has authored the world’s largest book: a 133-pound, five-by-seven-foot tome entitled “Bhutan: A Visual Odyssey Across the Kingdom. (“The Book To End All Books,” 4/8/04)

15. BDSM comprises three parts: Bondage and Discipline; Domination and Submission; and Sadomasochism. A guy who likes to be tied up isn’t necessarily interested in inflicting pain on his partner; by the same token, a dominatrix might not enjoy being smacked. (“Sadomasochism Comes Out of the Closet,” 10/28/04)