15 Body Parts FM We Would Have Featured On Its Cover Were We To Have More Issues Left To Have Covers For

Each week, FM’s staff of top-notch designers and photographers sit down with the editors to come up with a cover

Each week, FM’s staff of top-notch designers and photographers sit down with the editors to come up with a cover concept that accurately represents the week’s scrutiny. More often than not, we get our inspiration from corporal sources.

1. Andrew M. Brunner’s other eye.

2. A wet-n-wild kneepit.

3. The inspiration for a certain February ’04 endpaper.

4. Mollie H. Chen’s cheekbones.

5. Flabby thighs. Oh baby.

6. David B. Rochelson’s liver.

7. A duodenum.

8. Veronique A. Hyland’s freckles.

9. A neck. Why no neck? Good question.

10. My goodies.

11. Kristi L. Jobson’s face. Oh, wait....

12. Elizabeth W. Green’s hand. Oh, wait....

13. The shinbone, connected to the hipbone.

14. A ghetto booty. Paul M. Soper’s, to be precise.

15. Nostrils.