
House: Eliot House Concentration: Joint African-American Studies and the Comparative Study of Religion Hometown: Boston, Massachusetts Ideal Date: She would

House: Eliot House

Concentration: Joint African-American Studies and the Comparative Study of Religion

Hometown: Boston, Massachusetts

Ideal Date: She would pick me up, and whisk me away to my favorite brasserie. After feasting like there is no tomorrow, we would then go my favorite patisserie where we would indulge in nothing but each other’s sumptuous visages.  

Best way for a girl/guy to get your attention: They should just approach me and say hello. I really appreciate it when a girl can do that without even knowing me. Some say that I am a cold person, but I really do just want someone to open up to.

Where to find you on a Saturday night: Laying along the sultry Charles River, alone, atop a blanket for two, waiting for someone to approach me and say hello.  

First thing you notice about a girl/guy: A great personality is definitely the first thing I notice about a girl.

Best or worst lie you’ve ever told: That the first thing I notice about a girl is her personality.

Your best pick-up line: Hello, my name is Enoch O’Dell Woodhouse, III, would you mind approaching me and saying hello.

Something you’ve always wanted to tell someone: “I Love You.”

Favorite childhood toy: My foil, which I used to propel me up the national and international ranks in the sport of fencing.

Most important thing you’ve learned at Harvard so far: The friendships that I have formed here are priceless and it is really unfortunate when they are squandered, so I have learned to cherish these friendships forever.

Describe yourself in three words: PA FOR LIFE

In 15 minutes you are: Putting on a blazer and running to class.

In 15 years you are: Putting on a blazer and running the world.