Counter Culture

Louie, of Louie’s Superette, provides a valuable service to the College community. The proprietor of one of Harvard’s most beloved

Louie, of Louie’s Superette, provides a valuable service to the College community. The proprietor of one of Harvard’s most beloved institutions vends forties and Foxhorn to the River’s card-carrying residents. Louie, a.k.a. Cheng-san Chen, has seen it all from his perpetual post behind the counter. Spoken in his own words to our FM reporter, Louie reminisces about the time he actually caught a fake ID and the helpfulness of inebriated undergraduates.

“One time this guy came into the store. I ask him for the ID. I card many students, you know? He showed me the ID. I said, ‘This is not you. I know this guy. This is not you.’ So I send him away. I see the guy on the ID in here many time. He come in all the time. Almost everyday. I ask him about the ID. He told me it was his younger brother. A few month later, the brother came back. This time he was okay. I could sell him the beer. He turned 21.

Another time this guy came into the store. He was drunk, oh yes.  Oh, yes, very drunk. Very, very, very drunk. He jump back here (Louie points to his entrepreneurial domain behind the counter). He wanted to do the register and make the change. I said, ‘You know how?’ And he said, ‘Yea sure.’ Then he started to do the register. He hit all buttons but nothing happen. Ha ha. Next day I ask him, ‘You remember last night?’ He did not remember so I told him all about it. This guy live right here, in Dunster House! He is about to get the MBA degree!

I have many stories [laughs, showing the smile that thirsty Harvard students have come to love]. I have many stories, many, many stories. Oh yes.”