The Battle of the Charitable

Round one of the Oxfam America Collegiate Click Drive came to a close Monday, with Harvard coming in with a

Round one of the Oxfam America Collegiate Click Drive came to a close Monday, with Harvard coming in with a respectable third place finish among Ivy League schools. Every time a student logs on to and clicks on his or her college a corporate sponsor donates 25 cents to fund self-employment loans for poor people around the world (though you can only click twice per day). Although the Ivy League didn’t fare as well as the $3,410.25 (13,641 clicks) raised by national winner Birmingham-Southern College, it didn’t do as badly as, say, the quarter (one click) from Western Michigan University. Due to what the website describes as “the increase in interest in the Click Drive,” a second round is beginning today and continuing through May 5.