Summers Tennis Watch - Week Four

Though FM’s invitation to University President Lawrence H. Summers to play a doubles tennis match with FM chair Ben Mathis-Lilley,

Though FM’s invitation to University President Lawrence H. Summers to play a doubles tennis match with FM chair Ben Mathis-Lilley, publisher Kenyon Weaver and editor Ben Wasserstein remains in the “no response” file, the boys have been training intensely for the physical and mental exertions of the match.

Ben M-L: “Drinking with family members at my cousin’s wedding was a type of training, right? No? Well, that’s what I did this weekend.”

Ben W: “My backpack was really heavy when I was carrying those forties in it. So, yeah, I’ve been toning.”

Kenyon: “I’ve been working on my delts and my trads mostly. Also my biceps, abs and knees. I am pumped. I am buff. Bring it on, Larry! You know you can smell what Kenyon’s been cooking! Wanna go to the gun show? Then check me out! Grrrr!”