Scoped! Rebecca N.E. Dizon-Ross '04 House: Quincy Concentration: Economics Hometown: Berkeley, Calif. Ideal date: Picnic on the beach. Ideal mate:


Rebecca N.E. Dizon-Ross '04

House: Quincy

Concentration: Economics

Hometown: Berkeley, Calif.

Ideal date: Picnic on the beach.

Ideal mate: Tall, athletic and funny. And I guess cute would be nice.

Your sexiest physical trait: I don’t mean to brag, but I’ve always thought I had nice wrists.

Best way for a guy to get your attention: I like guys who laugh at my jokes. They don’t come around that often.

Sketchiest moment at Harvard: When both of my dress straps broke at the Quincy formal freshman year and I had to dance the whole night holding my dress up at the top. I’m proud to say that not one boob showed.

Senior or first-year guy: One of each.

Favorite movie and song: Stand By Me and “Freaks of the Industry.”

Quad party or river party: River.

Any advice to the first-years out there? Get out while you can.

Best Halloween costume: I was Wonder Woman in second grade and liked the costume so much I wore it for three months straight.

Your most outrageous attempt to get a guy: That’s classified.

Where to find you on a Saturday night: Rugby socials, random parties, generally bummin’ around.

Your best pick-up line: “Are you a parking ticket, ’cause you’ve got fine written all over you.”

Describe yourself in three words: Needing a tan.

In 15 years you are: I’ve already changed majors three times. There’s no way I can answer that question.