Ms. FManners

Gone are the days of frock-coated waiters who lower engraved silver flatware to your left. Oxfordesque high-table dining has been

Gone are the days of frock-coated waiters who lower engraved silver flatware to your left. Oxfordesque high-table dining has been usurped by gangly groups grappling for their barbeque sauce and tater tots. Ms. FManners stands behind the beauty of a first-courseplatters of baked brie, fine caviar piled high and foie gras sliced with utmost care. But dining halls that were once symbols of refinement are now filled with vagabonds who nightly make a mockery of their first course. While frequenting salad bars for their leafy greens and balsalmic, diners oft-times leave their trays unattended in search of far-away items. Not only does this salad bar abandonment disrupt the rhythm of the line, it also reeks havoc on your salad-making experience. How can you properly pay heed to the world of mandarin oranges and feta cheese while worrying about the well-being of the beef barley soup you have left behind? The salad-making experience is sacred and unclaimed trays will only disrupt others dining experience. As always, manners make the world go round.