Cape Man to the Rescue

A mysterious dark figure has appeared on campus this year. He has been spotted, wearing a large black cape and

A mysterious dark figure has appeared on campus this year. He has been spotted, wearing a large black cape and carrying a cane, making his anachronistic way to classes, the Berg, and Holworthy, where he resides.

Should one greet this figure, he is liable to bow deeply, and perhaps inquire, How art thou?

Known officially as Warren M. Tusk 05, people are more likely to call him by another moniker: Tusk will often introduce himself as Vincent, Malachi or Charon to passersby who want to inquire about his antiquated dress. Tuskit is less complicated to refer to him by his last namehails from Briar Cliff, a suburb of New York. He is one of the first students to go to Harvard from his school, Briar Cliff High School, creating his immense talent, good looks and desirability.

Other factors may have helped as well. Freshman Week was not yet over by the time he had established himself as a great stage presence at the FAP presentation. He has an amazing voice, says Clay Pell 05. He came on stage with his big black cape and cane and stole the show.

Tusk is much more humble when speaking of his talents. I go very high, but as to the actual quality of my voice, Id rather not think about it.

And yet, success under the bright lights is not new to Tusk, who took on important roles in the Little Village Playhouse outside his home town, as well as in the regular high school productions.

Academically, he has exhibited a somewhat precocious streak. On top of starting school early, he finished middle school in one yearI wanted to get through with it as quickly as possibleleaving him to start college at a very young 16, trying to cover up for his missing years with a thick beard, no mustache.

To complete the look, the cape was bought two years ago in Oxford, while Tusk was studying philosophy. It was in the window of a drama shop that caught his eye. Now, he says, I wear it when I have clean formal shirts to go with it.

His eccentricity is received differently by all who come across it. Some members of my family mind more than others, says Tusk, in an accent he admits is totally affected. At Harvard, some people think its cool and start conversations, and some have bad reactions, which is unfortunate, he says.