Halloween Shoppers Get a Head Start

Halloween is just around the corner, and many Harvard students have already started their costume shopping. Last Saturday, the American

Halloween is just around the corner, and many Harvard students have already started their costume shopping. Last Saturday, the American Repertory Theatre (ART) transformed its lobby into a flea market-style bazaar, with apparel and accessories from the costume shop upstairs.

“It was wonderful!” said Jason T. Fitzgerald ’04. “It was just like we were little kids again playing dress-up.”

The sale was just in time for eager Halloween shoppers craving for some novel costume ideas. Bedknobs and broomsticks were only the start for Jeannette Hawley, manager of the ART costume shop, who made sure to satisfy the eclectic tastes of her customers.

“We brought out everything from the upstairs shop: skulls, crowns, wings, robes, robot helmets and headdresses,” said Hawley.

And the turnout was unbelievable.

“When we opened, there was a line around the block; we could only let 50 people in at a time,” said Hawley. “Within the first 15 minutes, we had already sold $2,000 [worth of clothes].”

With five pairs of shoes for $5 or a velvet robe for $10, this comes as no surprise. Many left the sale with all-out Halloween costumes that they bought for $3 or less.

“This one woman left with a huge purple lampshade on her head and the crowd outside applauded,” said William L. Aronson ’04.

At the end of the day, Hawley was absolutely delighted. “I thought it was an incredible success,” she said. “Our goal was to make $2,000 to buy new equipment for the costume shop; we made close to $6,000.”

Not only was the sale a success for the ART, but the customers made out well themselves.

“I saw many people leaving with beautiful clothes for Halloween,” said Hawley. Keep an eye out for some fabulous costumes: stunning witches and warlocks, robots, ghouls and goblins.

When will the ART costume shop have another sale like this? “Probably not for another 10 years,” said Hawley. Sorry, folks. Of course, the costume shop is always open—prices a bit higher, but quality guaranteed.