Volunteers will read the names of women who have lost their lives to domestic violence as part of Take Back the Night Week for 240 minutes.
Institute of Politics Director Alan K. Simpson promises his Class Day speech will last no longer than 12 minutes.
Harvard researchers recently announced that people can eat one egg without any risk of heart disease every 1,440 minutes.
Denver Broncos quarterback John Elway, who can no longer deal with the physical punishment of football, will officially retire in 5,760 minutes.
The aftermath of the Chernobyl virus has trashed students' papers and minds for 4,752 minutes.
Nostradamus, 16th century French clairvoyant, predicted a conflict in the Balkans would spark World War III in 77,760 minutes.
Three moose have been killed on Massachusetts highways in the last 171,360 minutes.
Violent Femmes' Gordan Gano's famous vegetarian spaghetti can be prepared in about 50 minutes.
The CityStep kids have rehearsed for their big show this weekend for about 22,500 minutes.
The Radcliffe flag that hangs over Fay House has been MIA due to vandals for 14,140 minutes.
The massive pre-frosh influx last weekend increased eating time in Annenberg by an extra 8 minutes.
According to the Yale Daily News, a seasoned Yale guzzler confined in a Spring Break cage could consume last year's allotment of two beers in about 0.033 minutes.
Undecided pre-frosh will be rushing to the post office with their Harvard acceptance cards in 2,880 minutes.
MovieFone Inc. has announced it will sell customers tickets to "Star Wars: Episode I--The Phantom Menace" starting in 18,720 minutes.
Your last chance to glean knowledge and laughs from FM for the year will be in 10,080 minutes.