As Follows

Dear Fellow American: All across America concerned parents are expressing concerns like this: "We raised our son with solid traditional

Dear Fellow American:

All across America concerned parents are expressing concerns like this:

"We raised our son with solid traditional values. And we sent him to a top-rated university. But during his first year there he came home telling me that we were all wrong."

"America isn't the great country we had told him it was. No, it's racist, sexist, and homophobic, founded by white male bigots. His multicultural studies had taught him that other cultures are more caring, authentic, and sensitive."

"Old-fashioned moral ideas are silly, he said. He's glad his college has a Department of Gay and Lesbian Studies, and he enjoyed learning more about this oppressed group during the official Gay and lesbian Appreciation Days."

There's always lots more, but you get the idea.

If these were just isolated complaints, I wouldn't be writing to you. But across the United States, literally thousands of colleges are teaching our children to look down on their country and reject the values taught by their parents.

The attitudes and beliefs that are taught in American universities are the ones that dominate our society. Here's what we have to show for three decades of college radicalism:

* Homosexual "marriage" is approved of by America's elites, and there is a tremendous push to give it legal status.

* Many of the citizens who vote for our leaders are ignorant of and hostile to our history, founding principles, and political system. Half the students at Ivy League colleges can't even name their U.S. senators.

Collegiate Network is a growing association of conservative student newspapers on college campuses across the United States. Its mission is to focus public awareness on the radicalism of American colleges and university classrooms, curricula, and student life. This radicalism has resulted in a dramatic decline in educational standards which shows no sign of slowing down.

These publications expose and criticize the destructive programs at the colleges--the sexual indoctrination, multicultural nonsense, feminist propaganda, and political radicalism.

At Cornell, on two occasions last year, a rowdy mob twice burned hundreds of copies of the conservative newspaper in demonstrations, one of which blocked traffic for several hours. Staff members of the newspaper even received anonymous death threats. The college administration blamed the newspaper staff and called the burnings a "form of free speech."

I could give you story after story like this, but I don't have the space.

The examples I've given you show you how important it is for these conservative newspapers to have support outside their own colleges. The pressures against them are simply too great for most of them to survive on their own.

I urge you to take this step and become an Honorary Sponsor of the Collegiate Network today.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Sincerely yours,

Dan Quayle