The Gist Is Gusto

It's that time of year again, April 27. And you know what that means. Hey, there's going to be a

It's that time of year again, April 27. And you know what that means.

Hey, there's going to be a lot to do this weekend, with all that studying and paper writing. Most of you have something to research or write during reading period. If you don't, I'll give you an assignment. If you're going to be boring and do all those "academic" things during the next few days, you can ignore the rest of this column. I'm only talking to those fun-loving, gusto-grabbing guys and gals.

When we talk about fun and gusto, we mean to talk about baseball. Tomorrow at 3 p.m. the Crimson will be facing an armada of shipheads from Navy. After they withstand that barge the batmen are going to face against Princeton Saturday. The Tigers are in here in a big way--like twins. The first game will start at 1 p.m.

It's not just the Tiger baseball team that is going to be around Cambridge. We're also going to have to stomach the Princeton lacrosse team. The Tiger laxmen, which is just what they are, will take the B-School field at 2 p.m. against the Crimson. That should give them all enough time to get interviewed at the B-School and become indoctrinated into the wild and woolly world of big banking.

And speaking of crew, you'll be able to catch both the men's lightweight and heavyweight crews, if you play your stereo right. Both of these teams are going to be on the Charles, but only the lightweight crew is at home. They'll be facing Navy in the Haines Cup race. The winner gets a year's supply of panty hose, no charge. The fun will start at 9:45 Saturday morning when the frosh shove off, continues through the J.V. race at 10:45 and climaxes with the varsity encounter at 11:45.

Down the river a piece you'll be able to see the heavies take on both MIT and Princeton. The winner of this race will take home the prestigious Compton Cup and will be able to play with it for an entire year. It's going to be the same order of boats in this race as in the lights, but the times have been changed--you probably know why. For the heavies the races start at 10:15, 11:15 and 12:15.

The Bosox aren't at home this weekend--they're away. This weekend's games against Texas will be on television. The Sox will be back in town Monday against Baltimore. The Monday and Tuesday games will begin at 7:30 p.m.

And if you really don't have anything to do you can always watch an ever-exciting media softball game. Yes, the Crimson is going to be playing WHRB at 1:30 Saturday afternoon, somewhere in Soldiers Field. These games are always good clean fun.

Well, I guess it's about time to "sign off" for now. Have a good time at symphony tonight.

Until next week,

Be there. Echolalia.