
Exam periods, the season in which any sort of diversion comes as a welcome relief from the grind, have never

Exam periods, the season in which any sort of diversion comes as a welcome relief from the grind, have never been rich in entertainment for the dizzy Harvard student. But one outlet for diversion which can be trusted each biannual drought is WHRB, 95.3 on your dial, which this year brings better-than-ever orgies right into the bedrooms of anxious and dissipated students on every edge of campus. Ranging from the traditional Arturo Toscanini Orgy to the sublime Bach Cantatas Orgy to the eclectic Northern New Jersey Orgy, featuring the mellifluous tones of (no, not the Jersey turnpike) some of the Garden State's finest, WHRB has something for everyone, regardless of preference.


Harvard Composers present the last of two concerts featuring original works, performed by Harvard students. Paine Hall, Music Building, 8:00.


Lisa Goldman '74 plays a piano recital of 3 B's. Bach's Prelude and Fugue (B major, W.T.C. Book II), Beethoven's Sonata Opus 10 No. 3, Brahms's Handel Variations. Mather Dining Hall, 2:00.

Bach Violin Concertos performed by Matthew Gillman '76 and Richard Diamond '77. Milk and Cookies will follow. Lowell House JCR, 8:30.