
Crimson staff writer

Jonathan G. Adler

Latest Content

Mike Smith at Convocation

FAS Pitches Fundraising for Social Life

The Faculty of Arts and Sciences has made undergraduate life one of its priorities in its capital campaign fundraising, according to FAS Dean Michael D. Smith.


FAS May Allow Donors to Endow Faculty Deanships

Selling the name rights to Faculty Dean positions in the House of a donor's choice could be a much-needed revenue source for House renewal, FAS Dean Michael D. Smith said.


FAS Reserves Dwindling, Dean Says

Cash reserves for Harvard’s flagship Faculty have dwindled to “effectively zero,” Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences Michael D. Smith said at a meeting of the body Tuesday.


FAS Surpasses $2.5 Billion Campaign Fundraising Goal

​The Faculty of Arts and Sciences passed its $2.5 billion capital campaign goal in June, FAS Dean Michael D. Smith said at the Faculty’s monthly meeting Tuesday.

Committee Co-Chairs to Host Town Hall on Social Clubs

​A committee charged with overseeing the implementation of a new College social life policy will hold a public town hall next week to discuss its work moving forward.

Kimberly Theidon

Harvard, Former Professor Spar in Ongoing Tenure Lawsuit

Harvard has gone to great lengths to maintain the secrecy of its tenure process in an ongoing federal civil suit filed by a former professor in March 2015.

CS50 Lecture

Harvard Moves Forward in CS50 Trademark Application

The letters “TM” could eventually adorn the T-shirts and posters seen around campus for Harvard’s flagship undergraduate computer science course.

University Hall

Faculty Council Discusses Final Club, Greek Org. Sanctions

Members of the Faculty Council discussed single-gender social organizations at their first two meetings of the semester in preparation for a likely Faculty of Arts and Sciences vote on whether to support a new College policy penalizing the groups.​

A.D. Club Punch

A.D. Begins First ‘Open Punch’ with Schmoozing and Soft Drinks

Scores of blazer-clad undergraduate men trickled into the ballroom of the Sheraton Commander hotel on Tuesday evening for the all-male A.D. Club’s first ever “open punch” event.


Committee Set to Consider Motion Against Social Org. Sanctions

The Faculty Council’s newly-elected docket committee is set to consider a motion filed last spring that some professors believe could prevent College sanctions against members of single-gender social organizations from taking effect.


Seeking Safety for BGLTQ Students

Students say the College has more work to do in building a relationship of trust with queer and transgender students.


Standing Up: Student Groups Take on Sexual Assault

Despite efforts to improve trainings, some have suggested the brief sessions on their own may be insufficient.


Ninety-five Seniors Join Phi Beta Kappa

​Rejoicing with smiles, shouts, and hurried text messages to parents, 95 members of the Class of 2016 found out they had been elected to the Phi Beta Kappa honor society in an email on Wednesday.

Threat At Harvard Business School
Harvard Business School

Police Evacuate Business School Buildings After Bomb Threat

​Police are evacuating several buildings at Harvard Business School in response to a reported bomb threat.

Reframing And Research

Student Researchers Aim to ‘Reframe Harvard’s History’

Students presented research on Harvard’s history of race relations, gender equality, and BGLTQ rights following intensifying discussion of such campus issues at an event hosted at Phillips Brooks House Thursday.
