

Garber Attacked With Gold Glitter
Central Administration

Animal Rights Protester Dumps Glitter on Harvard President Alan Garber Before Alumni Day Speech

An animal rights protester dumped a tube of gold glitter on interim Harvard President Alan M. Garber ’76 as he prepared to address attendees at Harvard Alumni Day.

Angola Protest

As Protests Raged, Harvard Founded Its Own Management Company

In the fall of 1973, Harvard’s treasurer decided the University should control its own purse strings.

Peoples Commencement 2024
Student Groups

Church Says It Did Not Authorize ‘People’s Commencement’ Protest After Harvard Graduation Walkout

The leadership of Harvard-Epworth Church said they were angered and dismayed that the church became the site of a large-scale pro-Palestine protest.

Peoples Commencement 2024

HOOP Hosts ‘People’s Commencement’ to Honor 13 Harvard Seniors Denied Degrees

Harvard Out of Occupied Palestine hosted an mock graduation ceremony to honor the 13 seniors whose degrees were withheld for their involvement in the encampment.

Harvard Pro-Palestine Protester at Commencement 2024 Walkout

Outrage at Decision to Deny Diplomas to 13 Pro-Palestine Students Overshadows Harvard Commencement

More than 1,000 people out of Harvard’s Commencement on Thursday, as mass discontent overshadowed a day filled with pomp and circumstance.

Palestinian Flag at Commencement

In Photos: Harvard’s 373rd Commencement Exercises

Thousands of graduates, Harvard faculty, friends, and family crowded into Harvard Yard on Thursday for the University’s 373rd Commencement Exercises. But the usual pomp and circumstance of the ceremony were overshadowed by mass discontent over the decision to bar 13 pro-Palestine College student protesters from graduating.

Peoples Commencement 2024

Peoples Commencement 2024

Pro-Palestine protesters cheer inside Harvard Epworth Church Thursday during HOOP’s “People’s Commencement.”

Student Activism and Garber graphic

‘How Far Is Too Far?’: Pro-Palestine Activism Under the Garber Presidency

Alan Garber has largely drawn praise for his measured response to controversy and his ability to assuage a divided campus. But some students and faculty have condemned Garber’s approach to protests for being unusually repressive and forceful, drawing new, unprecedented lines around campus speech and protest.

HUCTW and HOOP Encampment Members Protest Sanctions Against Pro-Palestine Harvard Staff
Central Administration

HUCTW, HOOP Protest Sanctions Against Pro-Palestine Harvard Staff at Tuesday Rally

Nearly 100 Harvard workers and Cambridge residents held a pro-Palestine rally in front of Smith Campus Center on Tuesday to condemn the University’s disciplinary action against union members involved in the 20-day encampment in Harvard Yard.

University Hall
Central Administration

Nearly 400 Pro-Israel Harvard Affiliates Sign Letter Urging ‘Significant Consequences’ for Protesters

Nearly 400 pro-Israel Harvard alumni and affiliates signed an open letter to interim Harvard President Alan M. Garber ’76 condemning “the alarming escalation of antisemitism” on campus during the pro-Palestine encampment in Harvard Yard.

Nancy Pelosi Comes to Harvard

Alums Disrupt Nancy Pelosi at Harvard Club of San Francisco Event in Pro-Palestine Protest

Pro-Palestinian protesters interrupted former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) as she delivered a keynote speech at the Harvard Club of San Francisco’s 150th anniversary event Monday evening.​​​​​​​

Graduation Robe and Keffiyeh at HOOP Protest

Harvard Prepares for Commencement Disruptions, Enlists Tutors as ‘De-Escalators’

The College enlisted a number of residential tutors across the 12 undergraduate Houses to serve as “de-escalators” during this week’s Commencement festivities as Harvard makes contingency plans for handling disruptive protests.

University Hall

Harvard Faculty Overwhelmingly Vote to Allow Seniors Disciplined Over Encampment to Graduate

Members of the FAS overwhelmingly voted to add 13 students back to the list of degrees recommended for conferral after they were initially barred from graduating over their participation in the pro-Palestine encampment.

University Hall

Nearly 500 Harvard Faculty, Staff Blast Sanctions Against Pro-Palestine Protesters in Open Letter

Nearly 500 Harvard faculty and staff members signed an open letter Monday condemning the “unprecedented, disproportionate, and arbitrary” level of sanctions against pro-Palestine demonstrators who camped in Harvard Yard.

Harvard Out of Occupied Palestine March to Garber's House
College Administration

HOOP Warns Harvard of Commencement Disruptions, Denounces Suspensions During Rally at Garber’s House

Harvard Out of Occupied Palestine warned University administrators to prepare for disruptions to Commencement ceremonies during an emergency rally on Sunday.
