
The Crimson Playgoer

Reviewer Declares "Stamboul, Quest" Bears Striking Resemblance To Mats Hari

This is the one about the lady spy whose espionage and counter espionage is complicated by affairs of the heart. "Stamboul Quest," concerning the exploits of Myrna Loy as a German secret service agent, bears too striking resemblance to the well-known story of Mata Hari, and suffers accordingly. Despite the stereotyped plot, the film is capably handled, and proves interesting. Miss Loy, entrusted with the all-important mission of investigating the loyalty of the Turkish commander of the Dardanelles, moves through her role with capable restraint. George Brent is the disturbing factor in Miss Loy's counter-espionage as the self-confident, blustering American, of the species seen exclusively in the movies. But even his characteristic Americana fails to upset Miss Loy in her unmasking of the sinister Turkish officer, who is planning to sell the straits to the British. Courageous execution of a notably poor story makes "Stamboul Quest" entertaining when not examined too scrupulously.

Those two amiable wage Stuart Erwin and Skeets Gallagter, make "Bachelor Bait" very amusing. It is the story of a matrimonial agency, euphemistically handled, since it is in the hands of a sentimental, timid soul type in Mr. Erwin. Pert Kenton, described at one stage of the proceedings as "not a lady, but rather acting like a top-sergeant of the marines" brings the only expected robust touch to the story of Romance, Incorporated, doing business is lonesome ladies and gentleman.
